Developmental Disabilities: Asperger’s Syndrome
The Nystrom & Associates provider consulted for this article is Julie Yaekel-Black Elk, Ph.D., LPCC-MN, LPC-WI, Clinic Director & Outpatient Therapist.
Asperger's syndrome (AS) is characterized as a developmental disability. Developmental disabilities describe several conditions that can impair an individual’s behavior, learning, speech, or physical development. Symptoms begin in childhood and are typically present throughout the rest of their lives. Related: How Mental Health Affects Physical HealthAsperger's Syndrome as a Developmental Disorder
Asperger's syndrome is now considered an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which prior to 1994, was not considered as part of the autism spectrum. As put by Outpatient Therapist, Julie Yaekel-Black Elk:Asperger’s is now considered a developmental disorder on the autism spectrum and is no longer considered a separate diagnosis. Individuals with Asperger's have often not been viewed as having a developmental disability due to commonly being characterized as having standard or higher than average intelligence.You can learn more about the causes and symptoms of developmental disabilities on our specialty page.
Asperger's Syndrome Symptoms
The main symptom of AS is a child’s obsession on one topic or object with little to no interest in anything outside of this obsession. When it comes to their topic of choice, children with Asperger’s typically have a high level of vocabulary and utilize formal speech surrounding their "obsession." Although a main attribute, more distinguished symptoms of AS include issues with nonverbal communication, socially inappropriate behavior, and the inability to successfully interact with others.As professionals, how do we recognize those who struggle with a developmental disability such as Asperger's if it is not so evident due to having higher intellectual functioning? Individuals with Asperger's typically speak fluently but have problems reading social cues and engaging in reciprocal conversation. This can cause social awkwardness which can cause them to avoid social activities completely and isolate themselves.Social isolation can lead to negative consequences such as unhealthy coping skills, feelings of loneliness, and the inability to emotionally connect with others. On the other hand, with proper care and support, children with AS can become successful, independent adults. Their relationships and social situations might be challenging, but there are ways to cope in a positive manner. Related: How to Cope With Life Transitions
Treatment for Developmental Disabilities
There are several ways to treat developmental disabilities, however, with Asperger's, early intervention is best.Behavioral and educational interventions complemented by social skills training and cognitive behavioral therapy can assist those who have felt socially isolated explore their strengths which have often stood out to the degree of achieving incredible success.Moreover, with the help of a qualified mental health professional, those with AS can hone in their strengths and work to improve their communication skills. Related: How to Build & Maintain Communication Skills