Asian women wake up from sleep. She stretches herself in the morning on the weekend sit on the bed, Relax and weekend concept to have the best morning routine

Curate the Best Morning Routine: Small Habits, Big Impact

The Nystrom & Associates provider consulted for this article on morning routines is Coreen Jander, MA, LPCC, NCC, Clinical Site Director, and Outpatient Therapist.  

Morning Routine: Your Day's Foundation  

Morning routines are essential for your mental health. A consistent morning routine allows you to practice time management, which can increase productivity and decrease stress. Starting your day with a routine allows for improved focus and helps you start the day calmly and meditatively. Having healthy habits will not only improve your mental and emotional health, but it can also increase your confidence and boost your resilience. Coreen Jander explains that having a morning routine means "you don't need to think with a 'fuzzy morning brain.'" 

So, how can you implement a morning routine that will kickstart your day?  

Related: 3 Easiest Habits You Can Adopt for Your Mental Health  

Easiest Ways to Implement a Morning Routine

 To create a morning routine that reflects what you value, begin by identifying the most essential parts of your morning. Some questions that may help include: 

  • What are some things you currently do that you would like to avoid doing?  
  • In what ways could you begin to make change in these areas?  
  • What part of the morning do you most look forward to?  

Identifying the most and least important parts of the morning allows you to prioritize better, different activities that can help increase your health and well-being. Once you've identified what matters to you in the morning, you can implement those things.  

For example, if sitting outside to breathe fresh air is important, you could put your coffee cup by the door to remind you to go outside. Or, if you have difficulty managing your time in the morning, you could set timers on your phone to ensure you're on track to getting out the door on time.  

Making decisions the night before regarding what you want and need to do the following morning will set you up for success in implementing a morning routine. 

Related: The Best Bedtime Routine to Optimize Your Sleep  

Key Considerations When Crafting Your Perfect Morning  

Creating a morning routine requires openness to failures and setbacks. There are only 24 hours a day, and you only have so much energy you can give. It is important to remember to set achievable and reasonable goals. Focusing on too many goals at once may cause some goals not to get the attention they deserve.   

Seeking balance and moderation when creating goals is essential to staying motivated and ensuring you're focusing on the quality of each step in your morning routine. Jander suggests asking yourself,

"What ways could your morning routine be flexible, filled with grace, and used as a learning opportunity?"

Related: How to Set and Achieve Your Goals  

A Word From Nystrom & Associates

If you or a loved one is struggling with creating a healthy balance or creating routines, Nystrom is here for you. Nystrom & Associates has many therapists specializing in mindfulness, emotional regulation, and more! Call 1-844-NYSTROM or request an appointment online to get started!  

Related: So, You're Starting Therapy: Here's What to Know 

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