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Valentine’s Day Mental Health Tips

The Nystrom & Associates provider consulted for this article is Allison Parranto, MA, LMFT, Clinical Services Training Specialist.  Valentine's Day can be a welcomed treat for some, and a looming event for others. Whether you’re in a relationship or not, there are ways to take care of your mental health on Valentine’s Day. Here are three Valentine’s Day mental health tips:  

Stop Comparing  

Part of what makes Valentine’s Day stressful is how much societal pressure is placed to make it “perfect.” Planning the perfect present, date, etc. That pressure can easily lead to jealousy over another couple’s relationship or their plans for the day. Before you go green with envy over the social media hype, remember–they're just social media posts. Keep in mind that you are only seeing a snippet of a relationship; most likely capturing a specifically planned moment. Limit your screen time around this time to avoid feelings of comparison.   Overall, if you’re in a relationship and celebrating Valentine’s Day, try to avoid comparing your relationship to others. If you’re single, steer clear of comparing your current relationship status to the highlight reels on social platforms.   Related: Being Lonely and Being Alone: What’s the Difference?

Treat Yourself to Self-Care 

Use Valentine’s Day to treat yourself, whether that is by yourself or with a partner. We all need something to celebrate right now, so plan an exciting night in–grab your favorite local takeout and a fun dessert!  It’s important to set aside time for self-care and, if you are in a relationship, conscious time together. It’s easy to spend time with your significant other during a pandemic, but it’s crucial to make sure some of this time is planned quality time. This means less time sitting next to each other on our own electronic devices and more time eating together, playing a game, or going on a walk without other distractions. -Allison Parranto, MA, LMFTClinical Services Training Specialist 
In other words, find little ways to celebrate yourself and your partner. It could be as simple as getting your favorite coffee or spending the afternoon working on a hobby you enjoy. If you're in a relationship, spend quality time with them with limited distractions. 

Related: Self-Help Tips

Nurture All of Your Relationships 

While the media loves to play up Valentine’s Day as romantic, it doesn't have to be. Take some time to nurture all of the relationships in your life, not just romantic ones. Make plans you’ll look forward to with friends and family, especially if you need a distraction from the day itself. Spending time with people who value you will boost your mood and overall well-being. Related: 5 Quick Ways to Improve Your Mood

A Word From Nystrom & Associates  

If Valentine’s Day isn’t your thing, or you’re struggling with the holiday, don’t be afraid to seek support from loved one, a close friend, or a therapist. Talking to a trusted individual could release some anxiety and feelings of societal pressure that surrounds Valentine's DayWhether you decide to cuddle up on the couch to watch your favorite show or decide to have a night out with your partner, be sure to celebrate this Valentine’s Day in a way that fosters your mental health.   Help is available if you need it. Call 1-844-NYSTROM to schedule an appointment with a licensed therapist. Did you find our Valentine’s Day mental health tips useful? Follow our Facebook page so you can keep staying up-to-date with all our mental health tips.  

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