Coolidge Dennis Jr.
Outpatient Mental Health Practitioner
Bethel University - BA
Bethel Seminary - MA. MFT
Areas of Experience
More About Coolidge Dennis Jr.
Clinical Interests:
I hope to serve people who are trying to figure out life in a world where it is difficult to comprehend their pain, circumstances or state of mind. Our life circumstances could be; identity crises, race relations, immigrant struggles, people of faith battling faith construct, family disunity, anxiety, depression, trauma, intercultural/interracial relationships, life transitions, marital issues, adoption struggles, etc. People of color and other minorities wonder about the therapy space on their journey to find healing and wholeness. It is my desire to partner with everyone on this journey.
Clinical Approach:
I believe firmly that it is through authentic relational interactions that change occurs. And therefore, work collaboratively with my clients to uncover their strengths. I believe that no matter who we are or our life’s context, when we are attuned to the strengths within, we can be empowered to create the lasting change that we desire for self, families and relationships. I bring an integrated self, embedded with authenticity and empathy to serve all entrusting their case to me. I am deeply committed to providing culturally aware and sensitive services where the individual is respected, differences acknowledged and valued.
I love interacting with folks, teaching and speaking be it in large or small gatherings. When I am not doing any of this, I enjoy exercising, playing table tennis and spending time with my lovely family.