Case Management
/Behavioral Health Home (BHH)

Case Management
Case Management Services are offered by Nystrom & Associates to help individuals with a mental health diagnosis meet their health and wellness goals. Case Management Services are available to Minnesota residents receiving Medical Assistance (MA, PMAP).

Nystrom will provide participants with a team of workers to assist with linkage to resources, identifying barriers to accessing and receiving services, care coordination, transitional care, and individual and family support. Case Management identifies mental health, chemical health, physical health, and wellness needs through a holistic, person-centered approach. Our case managers will meet with you in person and/or through phone calls at least one time per month.

Case Management Frequently Asked Questions

  • Minnesota residents receiving Medical Assistance (MA, PMAP)
  • Adults with a diagnosis of serious mental illness (SMI)
  • Enrollees not receiving other targeted case management services

A team consisting of a Registered Nurse (RN), Systems Navigator (Case Manager), and a Qualified Health Home Specialist (Peer Support Specialist) will meet with you in your home, in the community, or by phone to assist you with identifying and achieving your wellness goals. Case managers will provide a contact at least once a month to assist you with referrals, resources, and care coordination. Participants may work with this team until their individual needs are met. Your Case Management team works in coordination with other services you might have like ARMHS, psychiatry, therapy, DBT, ADT, nutrition, primary care services, and more. Case Management can be provided in conjunction with all other mental health, physical health, and substance use services that you have, with the exception of case management.

Download our What to Expect PDF for more information.

Nystrom’s Case Management program will allow individuals to assess all areas of their lives, including physical and mental health, in order to help them manage what may not be going well. Through evaluating an individual’s current needs, our team will be able to coordinate health care and social service needs to help identify an action plan to address health conditions and life situations.

Whether meeting in the community, in an individual’s home, or on the phone, Case Management will aid in coordinating and/or maintaining regular medical and mental health services for an individual. Resources will be provided to locate and utilize social and community supports, as well as information to develop healthy lifestyle routines. The goal of Case Management is to offer information so that participants can make informed, healthy choices that support their overall wellness, recovery, and resiliency.

This service is covered by Minnesota MA/PMAP plans. Forms for this program can be found on our Patient Forms page by clicking here.