5 Effective Stress Management Tips
The Nystrom & Associates provider consulted for this article is Andy Huys, Outpatient Therapist, MA, LADC, LPCC (c).
Stress can build up on your commute, at work, and in your relationships. Some stress is natural, however, letting it continue without giving yourself a break is not. It’s important to learn how to effectively manage stress so it doesn't continue to affect your physical and mental health.
Andy Huys, Outpatient Therapist at Nystrom & Associates, speaks on how stress can impact us:
“Stress causes physical and emotional tension in daily life. Stress responses are natural biological processes that help us effectively cope with change. Problems can arise when stressors continue without relief or periods of relaxation. ”
Related: 8 Simple Ways to Destress
1. Shift Your Perspective
When stressors are piling up, it can be difficult to not let problems affect your mindset. One way to combat this is to put the issue in perspective. Will it still be a problem in six months, a year, or five years? Try to look at the bigger picture and your sense of feeling overwhelmed will decrease.
2. Communicate Your Limits
State your limits in advance and learn to say no if you don’t have the bandwidth for a request. Setting healthy boundaries is a key component. For example, saying things like, “I have 5 minutes to review this” or “Thanks for thinking of me, but I’m not available.” You can’t pour from an empty cup, so learning to communicate your limits is crucial to reducing stress.
3. Focus on Priorities
When your plate is full and something urgent comes up, it can be tricky not to let it get to you. Try to stay calm and focus on prioritizing your to-do list. Break large projects up into smaller tasks and stay organized. Doing so will help you concentrate on the responsibility at hand and enhance your overall productivity.
Related: How to Reset Your Mindset
4. Bring it Back to Basics
When in doubt, bring it back to the basics. Take an audit of your diet, sleep, exercise, and self-care habits. When these are left unchecked; they can create more stress. If you’ve been slacking in any areas, work on improving them one at a time. One week, add more fruits and veggies to your meals. Another week, implement a solid bedtime routine so you can improve the quality of your sleep. The next week, try some new workouts. It's crazy to see how our stress levels sink as soon as we prioritize our health.
5. Schedule Relaxation
It can be difficult to make time for yourself, but doing so is necessary for your health. Make it a point to schedule a night-in doing what you want to do, not what you have to do. If you plan on relaxing, you’re more likely to do it. You can put down other tasks and sign off from work for that time. Even if it’s simply listening to your favorite music while you run errands, make it a habit to build relaxation into your routine.
A Word From Nystrom & Associates
When it comes to managing stress, therapy is a great outlet. You can discuss any challenges you might be facing and develop positive coping strategies. “Our clients learn cognitive, behavioral, and mindfulness-based strategies to effectively manage the challenges of change,” Huys states. In addition to learning new skills, you may feel better after talking it out.
We make scheduling easy. Simply request an appointment online or call 1-844-NYSTROM today.
For more information on stress, click here.